Procoding Screenshot
Procoding Screenshot
Procoding Screenshot
Procoding Screenshot
Procoding Screenshot
Procoding Screenshot

+++ Winner of the FWA Mobile Of The Day (MOTD) Award! +++

Procoding is a mobile code sketching IDE for HTML5/JavaScript and comes as a universal app, running both on the iPad and the iPhone.

Create interactive visuals with Procoding for iOS. Code your favorite sketches for generative design on your iPad or iPhone. Featuring a clean and beautifully integrated interface, individually optimized for the best JavaScript coding experience on iPad and iPhone, a Syntax Highlighting Editor and an easily accessible reference.

  • Create, edit & run HTML5 Canvas .js, D3 .js, Paper .js, Procoding .js or Processing(js) .pde sketches
  • Full featured code editor that includes syntax highlighting, autocompletion, find & replace, bright & dark themes and coding keybar for frequently used keys
  • Preview sketches on your device and on any computer in your WiFi network with a built-in HTML web server
  • iCloud sync across all your devices, works great with Procoding for Mac OS X (available on the Mac App Store)
  • Add images, sounds, custom fonts, HTML, SVG, JS libraries and additional code (classes) with the Resource Manager
  • Export as HTML5 project folder: run your sketches stand-alone without Procoding
  • PDE and JS File import/export via iTunes Sharing, Dropbox & E-Mail
  • Save screenshots to your camera roll and keep individual covers for your sketches
  • Integrated reference index with syntax snippet inserter; included offline reference for HTML5 / JavaScript projects
  • Universal binary, individually optimized for iPhone & iPad, landscape or portrait
  • Basic runtime error console log and (for HTML5 projects) a JSHint live syntax checker to find and fix errors as you type
  • Retina optimized for high resolution displays (incl. sketches)
  • Supports processing-mobile (Accelerator, Gyroscope, Multitouch)
  • Supports input from virtual keyboard
  • Comes with exciting demo sketches, e.g. showing how to use multitouch and device motion
  • Designed for iOS 7
  • Created with love ♥


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Download Procoding Mobile

Compatible with iPad®, iPhone® and iPod touch®. Requires iOS 7 (previous versions available for iOS 5). WiFi or cellular network connection required for iCloud usage and access to processingjs documentation. HTML5 & JavaScript offline documentation included.


This demo (one of many demos that come with the app) has been coded with Procoding and was exported as HTML5 sketch. Tap to draw the latest CNN news:


Procoding Support Forum

I love to hear from you. If you have a problem or if you like Procoding, please add your voice to the Procoding Forum.


Mail & Facebook

You can also get in touch by sending a message to feedback at audiocommander. de (Please remove whitespace and replace the 'at'). There's also a facebook page I'm checking now and then: Procoding on Facebook.

Please contact me if you have a question or an issue where an answer would be helpful - because there is no way of getting in touch when you only leave a review on the App Store. Of course I am very happy about every positive review on the App Store! They help keeping up the good spirits while I'm working on the next update (^_^)


This list does not cover all changes. The full changelist can be found inside the app.


Version 3.5.1

Released on November 17, 2014
  • NEWSketch name prompt for new sketches
  • NEWNew editor preference to hide the navigation bar while editing (iPhone/iPod Touch only)
  • NEWNew Feedback Panels (HUD)
  • FIXImproved iCloud handling, sketch library index query
  • FIXFixed blocked interface when opening unloaded iCloud sketches
  • FIXFixed web server issue after toggling Bonjour service without app restart
  • FIXMany iPad related bug fixes on iOS8, e.g. missing import/export sheets
  • FIXFixing d3 import

Version 3.5

Released on November 11, 2014
  • NEWLocal web server on your iPhone or iPad! Preview the current sketch with any browser in your local network
  • FIXFixed a bug that sometimes caused a crash when refreshing processing.js sketches
  • FIXFixed some iCloud documents not showing up on iOS 8 after updating to iCloud Drive
  • FIXFixed interactive console auto focus
  • FIXImproved info displays for conflicting iCloud document versions

Version 3.4

Released on October 22, 2014
  • NEWiPhone 6 and 6 Plus support
  • NEWWebGL & 3D enabled (iOS 8 only!)
  • NEWNew DrawPad Demo Sketch
  • FIXFixing initially empty editor (first launch on fresh installs)
  • FIXAdditional 3D documentation
  • FIXiOS 8 compatibility fixes

Version 3.3

Released on June 14, 2014
  • NEWAccess to device features: vibration, flashlight (torch), proximity sensor. Note that not all devices have those sensors and they will only work when the sketch runs in Procoding Mobile. Use with: »procoding.device.vibrate(); procoding.device.flash(true); addEventListener("proximity", function(state) { ... });«
  • NEWThe console log is now an interactive terminal (JavaScript only)
  • FIXFixed possible crash when reloading filtered results
  • FIXImproved resource title handling with special characters when exporting as HTML
  • FIXFixed Quicklook Preview (on iPhone)
  • FIXUpdated to Paper.js 0.9.18

Version 3.2

Released on February 22, 2014
  • NEWNew icon design
  • NEWD3.js support
  • NEWNew HTML5/JS (non-canvas) document template
  • FIXFixed crash that could occur while editing the very last character in the document
  • FIXFixed syntax checker update ignoring some text changes
  • FIXImproved inline SVG resource support
  • FIXDisabled renaming and duplicating of unloaded remote iCloud documents (could lead to data-loss)
  • FIXFixed Dropbox import/export issues, new Dropbox link/unlink setting
  • FIXImproved cursor and selection legibility for various editor themes
  • FIXImproved settings panels

Version 3.1

Released on December 31, 2013
  • NEWCode Completion
  • NEWDropbox support (selectable as im/export folder)
  • FIXMany fixes and improvements for the new editor
  • FIXImproved memory usage, preventing possible crashes on devices with low memory and large sketch libraries
  • FIXResources can now be exported to iTunes or Dropbox
  • FIXImproved Syntax Checker
  • FIXProcessing compatible folder structure when exporting processing.js sketches with resources

Version 3.0

Released on October 22, 2013
  • NEWProcoding 3.0 is here and it feels like a brand new app!
  • NEWcomplete redesign for iOS 7
  • NEWnew feature packed native code editor
  • NEWEditor Themes, pinch to zoom
  • NEWNew editor keyboard accessory bar
  • FIXMany (many!) fixes and minor improvements
  • FIXReduced sketch filesize to improve iCloud storage

Version 2.8

Released on September 12, 2013
  • FIXiOS 7 compatibility fixes
  • FIXUpdated to processing.js 1.4.1
  • FIXUpdated to procoding.js 0.3

Version 2.6

Released on June 11, 2013
  • NEWDon't miss the new Procoding Desktop version for Mac OS X: Get it on the Mac App Store
  • NEWNative support for the Paper.js canvas library, incl. offline documentation
  • NEWNew (yet experimental) Procoding.js library - a code toolbox in prototype style for creative coding; extending plain JavaScript sketches, incl. offline documentation
  • NEWImproved resource loading
  • NEWImproved autosaving behavior
  • NEWUpdated to JSHint 2 (iOS 6+)
  • NEWExperimental option to use a (very basic) JSHint checker for Processing code
  • FIXFixed regression bug introduced in 2.5.1, where Procoding could crash when double-tapping the Resource Manager Popup
  • FIXFixed a crash when trying to open newer, unsupported document types
  • FIXLibrary maintenance for local documents removes temporary "(A Document Being Saved By Procoding)" leftovers

Version 2.5.1

Released on April 15, 2013
  • FIXHTML5 Export compatibility fixes
  • FIXCustom processing.js will now be used for all documents (not only new ones)
  • FIXDocuments are now saved before opening the resource editor, preventing possible data loss in case of low memory conditions
  • FIXMinor improvements

Version 2.5

Released on February 27, 2013
  • NEWiCloud Sync across all your iOS Devices
  • NEWResource Manager to add photos, sounds, fonts, html-snippets, css, scripts, js-libraries, external classes and other media files to sketches
  • NEWExport sketches as .js, .pde or as HTML5 project folder (that will run as standalone webapp in most modern browsers!)
  • NEWShare & print sketches (iOS 6 only)
  • NEWMake screenshots (export to documents or save to camera roll)
  • NEWProcoding is now just Procoding. New design theme…
  • NEWProcoding now has its own document file format
  • NEWNew coverflow-like document overview on iPad that should run smoother on the 3rd generation iPad
  • NEWNew document organizing buttons in the iPhone/iPod landscape coverflow view
  • NEWJS Checker is now using JSHint and has been improved visually
  • NEWSketch covers can now be preserved from being changed individually ("lock cover")
  • NEWYou can now use your own templates for new documents by adding a file "default.js" or "default.pde" to your Documents folder (via iTunes sharing or export as js/pde)
  • NEWUse a customized or the latest version of processing.js by adding a file "processing.js" to your Documents folder
  • FIXFixed potential crash after successfully importing files
  • FIXCoverFlow preview images optimized for loading time and interface responsiveness
  • FIXMany fixes and minor improvements

Version 2.0.3

Released on October 24, 2012
  • NEWiPhone5 (4 inch screen) compatibility

Version 2.0.2

Released on September 7, 2012
  • FIXiOS 6 Maintenance update hotfix
  • FIXFixed possible issue when changing the API docset while an entry search string is set

Version 2.0.1

Released on August 17, 2012
  • FIXiOS 6 Maintenance update

Version 2.0

Released on June 11, 2012
  • NEWNow supporting awesome JavaScript & HTML5 Canvas
  • NEWNew syntax checker: checks your code for errors as you type!*
  • NEWAdditional included extensive offline(!) HTML5 Canvas, JavaScript (ECMA & JavaScript Guide), DOM & CSS documentation*
  • NEWNew demos showing how to sketch on HTML5 Canvas without any library*
  • NEWNew Editor preferences: AutoIndent, LineNumbers, WrapLines
  • FIXReference index can be searched (not only filtered)
  • FIXImproved procoding JavaScript object namespace ("procoding")
  • FIXFixed bug with missing keyboard when renaming sketches via the canvas titlebar
  • FIXFixed bug with quick reference syntax insertion, where only the title would be inserted
  • * (only for HTML5/JavaScript sketches)

Version 1.2.0

Released on April 5, 2012
  • NEWFind & Replace
  • NEWEditor context menu (Search & Reference Lookup)
  • NEWNew system preference setting to prevent opening the last used document
  • NEWHigh resolution rendering (Retina Display) can be disabled to make sketches run faster but less crisp
  • NEWDocuments can be opened straight in the editor if table view is in editing mode
  • NEWExternal reference caching and improved loading times
  • NEWMajor internal changes to prepare for upcoming versions
  • FIXNew document manager with improved document selection & handling
  • FIXFixed 180° landscape rotation bug in editor (iPhone)
  • NEWDrag to refresh Table View
  • FIXRestoreable temporary data is now removed regularly (e.g. when a file is deleted from iTunes)
  • FIXiPad 3 Retina Display optimized resources, HiRes rendering disabled by default
  • FIXMinor bug fixes

Version 1.1.2

Released on March 10, 2012
  • NEWPR0C0D1N6 has a new name to reflect the upcoming changes
  • NEWAdditional processingjs-mobile reference
  • FIXEasier reference syntax snippet insertion
  • FIXUpdated reference source for processingjs reference
  • FIXFixed orientation.compassHeading in Motion.pde

Version 1.1.1

Released on February 21, 2012
  • NEWNightmode: dark editor theme (and improved day theme)
  • NEWInsert syntax snippets from reference
  • NEWFull High Resolution Retina Display Support
  • NEWMotion Support (Accelerometer & Gyroscope) incl. two new demos 'Motion' and 'Pong'
  • FIXEditor Keyboard can be dismissed
  • NEWAdditional editor keyboard accessory keys
  • FIXFill and stroke in setup() work now
  • FIXKeyCode bugfix: keyCodes are now recognized correctly
  • FIXUpdated demos (please delete the "Hallo Welt" & "Farbkreis" examples and restore from settings)
  • FIXNow ignoring all files in document folder except .pde, .pjs, .js
  • FIXSketch stops and resumes automatically
  • FIXFixed case insensitive document sorting
  • FIXImproved cursor focus when keyboard comes up
  • FIXFixed documentation errors

Version 1.0

Published on January 17th, Released on February 14th, 2012
  • NEWInitial Release
  • NEWEdit & run processing pde sketches
  • NEWSyntax highlighting code editor
  • NEWPDE file import/export via iTunes sharing & e-Mail
  • NEWIntegrated reference
  • NEWUniversal binary, individually optimized for iPhone & iPad
  • NEWError console log
  • NEWComes with demo sketches, e.g. showing how to use multitouch
  • NEWCreated with love ♥